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Dr Ivana Radovanović

Rođena 24.01.1983. godine u Titogradu.
Diplomirala 2006.godine u klasi prof. Pavla Pejovića. Magistrirala novembra 2009. godine kod istog mentora.
Radi kao saradnik u nastavi na FLU - Cetinje.
Doktorirala 2016. Godine na FLU-Beograd pod mentorstvom prof. Dušana Petrovića.
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- Dobitnik Fulbrajtove stipendije za post - doktorsko istraživanje (2018/19) NY
2018 izložba Tiha naklonost prolaznosti u Galeriji 73 - Beograd
- Predstavnik Crne Gore za Imago Mundi Highlights 2017 kojim se ujedno otvara i Muzej Imago Mundi u Trevisu, Italija
- Finalista nagrade “Milčik”, Galerija Dado-Cetinje, 2017
- Estetika intimnog – Dunavski dijalozi 2017; Galerija Udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine, Novi Sad, Srbija
- Septembra 2017. stipendista je internacionalnog art projekta pod pokroviteljstvom AIR (CCN) Graz, Austrija
- Odabrana je među 10 umjetnika da učestvuje u Rezidencijalnom programu “ArTwins in Open Spaces” PAFOS 2017 – Evropska prijestonica kulture
- Rezidencijalni boravak u Kulttuuri Kauppila Art Centre, Ii, Oulu, Finland
- Učestvovala na jubilarnom 25. Process-Space Art Festivalu 2016, Russe, Bugarska
2016. Izmedju umjetnosti i prirode u galeriji Media Nox, Maribor, Slovenija
2015 Direkcija Bijenala mladih umjetnika Evrope i Mediterana (BJCEM), na čelu sa umjetničkim direktorom Andreom Brućatijem, istoričarem umjetnosti, za učešće na manifestaciji Mediterranea XVII odabrana je kao predstavnica Crne Gore na Bijenalu
2015 The Hollow Men-Burning Way u galeriji Kolarčeve zadužbine, Beograd
2015 The Hollow Men-Burning Way u hali „Radoje Dakić”, Podgorica u okviru 30. godina FIAT-a
2015 Udruženje likovnih i primenjenih umetnika-Kraljevo
2015 Burning Way u Streljačkom centru – Ljubović, Podgorica
2015 The Hollow Men u galeriji Nikola I-Nikšić
2014 The Hollow Men u galeriji ULUCG-a u Podgorici
2014 Pozdrav suncu u galeriji Marko K. Gregović u Petrovcu
2010 Galeriji – Asocijacija lepih umetnosti - Novi Beograd
2010 SPA Galeriji Instituta Simo Milošević - Igalo
2009 Pokret kao ekspresija u Podgorici - ULUCG.
2009 Iza ogledala u galeriji Centar - Podgorica
2008 SKC - Obrenovac.
2007 godine kao saradnica u nastavi boravi u Italiji, S. Severini, gdje ima prvu samostalnu izložbu.
2005/06 semestralno boravi na FLU - Beograd kao predstavnik svog matičnog fakulteta.
Izlagala na mnogobrojnim izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu.

Predstavljala Crnu Goru na 57. Venecijanskom bijenalu u Veneciji - VIVA ARTE VIVA

- Gran pri nagrada na 37. Crnogorskom likovnom salonu “13. Novembar” 2015
- Nagrade Bijenala mladih u Milanu-BJCEM, No Food’s Land Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale 2015
- Nagrada Univerziteta Crne Gore za najboljeg studenta Fakulteta likovnih umjetnosti u studijskoj 2005/2006.
- Nagrada Atlas Mont banke i Atlas grupe 2005. godine
- Godišnja nagrada za vajarstvo Fakulteta likovnih umjetnosti Cetinje 2006. godine
- Nagrada prijestonice Cetinje 2006. godine
- Plaketa za najboljeg diplomca Univerziteta Crne Gore za 2006. godinu

Ivana Radovanovic

Ivana was born on the January 24, 1983 in Titograd. She graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje, within the Department of Sculpture under the tutelage of Prof. Pavle Pejovic. She received an M.A. in November 2009 from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje in the class of the same Professor. Ivana currently works as a teacher for the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje. In 2016 Ivana obtained a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Fine Arts, in Belgrade, under the mentorship of Prof. Dusan Petrovic.

- 2018/Winner of Fulbright scholarship for postodoctoral research
- In March she had a solo exhibition -The Quiet Affinity for Fleetness -Gallery 73, Belgrade;Serbia
- Representative of Montenegro for The Imago Mundi Highlights 2017 and at the same time the opening of the Imago Mundi museum in Trieste (Italy) by Benetton Foundation
- „Milčik“ Award Finals for 2017. at Dado gallery-Cetinje, Montenegro
- AESTHETICS OF THE INTIMATE, Festival Danube Dialogues 2017, Gallery of the Vojvodina Artist Association, Novi Sad, Serbia
- September 2017 AIR Cultural City Network Graz (CCN)-international art projects, Austria.
- From a field of ten artists, Ivana has been chosen to participate in the Residential programme "arTwins in Open Space" due to be held in Paphos, Cyprus; European Capital of Culture 2017
- Artist-in-residence KulttuuriKauppila Art Centre, Ii, Oulu, Finland in 2016
In July 2016, Ivana held an exhibition entitled „Between Art and Nature“ in the Media Nox gallery in Slovenia.
- She also participated in the 25th anniversary of “Process-Space Art Festival” in 2016, held in Russe, Bulgaria.
The Directorate of the “Biennale for Young European and Mediterranean Artists” (BJCEM), headed by artistic director and art historian Andrea Bruciati, selected Ivana’s work to represent Montenegro in the event ‘Mediterranea XVII Young Artists Biennale’ in Milan (2015)
In September 2015 she held a solo exhibition called The Hollow Men-Burning Way in Radoje Dakić (a former factory hall), in Podgorica, as a part of celebration of the 30th anniversary of FIAT in September 2015
This exhibition “The Hollow Men-Burning Way” then transferred to the the Kolarac Foundation Gallery in Belgrade.
In September 2015 she had a solo exhibition hosted by the “Association of Fine and Applied Artists“ in Kraljevo.
In May she had a solo exhibition ‘Burning Way’ hosted by the Shooting Association of Ljubovic, Podgorica.
In December 2014 a further exhibition of her sculptures and drawings was held in the gallery ULUCG, Podgorica. In August of the same year an exhibition of her sculptures and drawings was displayed in the gallery Marko K. Gregović in Petrovac. In 2013 Ivana started attending her Ph.D. courses at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.
In July 2010 Ivana held an individual exhibition in the gallery for the “Association of Fine Arts “ in Novi Beograd (New Belgrade). In June of the same year she also held an individual exhibition at the SPA Gallery of the Simo Milosevic Institute in Igalo.
In December 2009 Ivana had an individual exhibition Movement as Expression held in ULUCG, Podgorica. In July of that year, her exhibition of drawings Behind the Mirror was held in the Gallery Centar, in Podgorica.
In November 2008 Ivana had another individual exhibition in SKC Obrenovac.
In October 2007 Ivana stayed in Santa Severina, Italy as a guest teacher, and had her first individual exhibition here. From 2005 till 2006 she was a guest student at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.
She has exhibited in many group exhibitions.

She represents Montenegro at the 57th International Art Exhibition-la Biennale di Venecia-VIVA ARTE VIVA

• Grand Prix Award at the 37th Montenegrin Art Salon "13 November" 2015
• Winner of the Residential Artist’s Award at “Mediterranea 17” Young Artists Biennale, Milan, Italy 2015
• University award for “Best Student” from the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2005/2006
• Atlas Mont Foundation Award for “Best Art Student” in Montenegro 2005
• Annual award for sculpture from the Faculty of Fine Arts Cetinje 2006
• Capital Cetinje award for “Best Student” 2006
• Award for “Best Graduate” at the University of Montenegro 2006